
Account Preservation / Inheritance

Adding Successors

A feature of your account is Account Preservation, found under My Account (top right corner of screen) > Personal Information. This feature allows you to add up to two account Successors.  If you have an annual account that goes unpaid and you are not reachable, or a one-time-payment account and have not accessed your account in six months, the individual(s) entered here will be contacted with an option to continue the account. Up to 2 Account Successors can be added. 

Downloading Your Database

In addition, you can download the entire database of your account into an Excel or other spreadsheet format. It will include the names of all people in your account, and the Chapters, Chapter Descriptions, Entries, Entry Descriptions, Linked Albums and Share Links to the cloud sites where your content is stored. This feature is found under My Account > Permissions and Preferences > Summary Report.

Printing Collection Pages

Lastly, you can print a PDF of each Collection Page, complete with Chapter Names, Entry Titles, Descriptions and Preview Images. Full descriptions are in the PDF, regardless of size. The command to create the PDF is found at the bottom of each Collection Page. The formatting is a bit awkward due to top and bottom margins but it is the best we can provide.  To some people, having this info printed out is an added comfort.