
Tips and Tricks - Starting a Home Movie at a Specific Scene
Stan Kinsey

Did you know that a few cloud storage sites allow us to create a specific start point when playing a video?  Here's a quick example:

Years ago, our youngest daughter diligently competed in Highland Dance competitions but had never won first prize.  Then on one magical May day in 2008, it all came together.

Well, she's now all grown up.  So when archiving in MyFamilyArchive "the best of Katie's dancing years", we wanted a video snippet of that special moment when they announced she'd won Best of the Highland Games. 

The award ceremony starts 11 minutes and 22 seconds into the movie.  Fortunately, storing videos in Google Drive, Vimeo or YouTube allows the user to add a suffix to the "share link" (not the same as the URL... see "share links" in our Help topic FAQs) noting the specific point you want it to start playing.

And because MyFamilyArchive uses share links to create an archive, we simply added (below) #t=11m22s to the end of the Google Drive share link for that video.
So now, when we click on her Entry "2008 Orange County Highland Games", we are linked directly to our video in Google Drive which will start playing at the awards moment that was a thrill in her young life.

Thanks for allowing us to share this feature.
- Stan Kinsey, CEO
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